We have our own unique books!

"Ola" tells the story of a math student from Warsaw who one day meets Darek. Unfortunately, Ola's father doesn't accept him. Trouble ensues... (A2 level)

This book you can buy here:

https://ksiegarnia.poltax.waw.pl/q/?keywords=ola%20czytanka%20pdf                       (e-book PDF)

Watch review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqxnpFwN1yY&t=81s



"Detektyw Raj" is a crime story! The four Polish students go on holidays in the Polish mountains. Next day one of them is found in his room dead. Detective Raj arrives to the place of murder. (A2/B1 level)

This book you can buy here:


https://ksiegarnia.poltax.waw.pl/detektyw-raj-kryminal-dla-osob-uczacych-sie-jezyka-polskiego-jako-obcego-ebook-9788394997236-299631 (e-book PDF)

Watch review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PPmbgmfgxo&t=313s



Adam, Maja i Karolina are celebrating their mother's 60th birthday. Also detective Raj is present at the birthday party. When he comes home, he doesn't even suppose, what will happen at Abramski's family home this night… (A2/B1 level)

This book you can buy here:


https://ksiegarnia.poltax.waw.pl/urodziny-kryminal-dla-uczacych-sie-jezyka-polskiego-jako-obcego-poziom-a2-b1-9788367534116-517834   (e-book PDF)



The retired detective Raj goes with his wife and friends on holiday to the Polish seaside. Unfortunately he only rests a few days, because it turns out that he will be needed again. There is a murder in a small seaside town. The townspeople are getting scared. Will justice triumph this time? (A2/B1 level)

Raj on holiday includes 88 pages, 3 chapters, 20 exercises and answers to them, glossary.

This is the third part of detective Raj’s adventures. All three can be read independly of each other.

This book you can buy here:


https://ksiegarnia.poltax.waw.pl/detektyw-raj-na-wakacjach-jezyk-polski-dla-cudzoziemcow-poziom-a2-b1-ebook-9788367534123-517833  (e-book PDF)